Migrant Women in Business engaged Social Ventures Australia (SVA) Consulting to evaluate the preliminary impact of its activities during the current funding period (May 2022 – May 2023), and develop a deeper understanding of the needs of the business owners in the National Business Network.

Evaluation is an ongoing component of how MWiB operates, providing key insights to shape the evolution the network and enable it to prove and improve its impact.

This is the first evaluation report of MWiB. The focus is on understanding the women in the network and their needs, a) to assist MWiB to continue to evolve to meet the needs of its clients, b) To help inform MWiB’s stakeholders about the profile of migrant women in Melbourne operating micro and small businesses, and c) To understand the progress of the initiative against its activities and outcomes.
Subsequent evaluations will continue to build our understanding of the impact created by MWiB.

Download the MWiB Preliminary Impact Report – May 2023